Poke-It Poker! Registration & Order Form (Courtesy: K. Crowther) (See manual for overseas orders!) Please complete and mail to: Viable Software Alternatives PO Box 98134 Las Vegas, NV 89193-8134 Your REGISTRATION FEE entitles you to: * The expanded version of Poke-It Poker! as described in the manual. * Notice of future updates to the game. * Notice of new Viable products Poke-It Poker! Registration Fee................... __$18.00_ Method of payment: ( ) Check enclosed ( ) MasterCard ( ) VISA Card Number (if applicable) _________________________ Ex. Date _________ Signature (if applicable) ________________________________________________ Make checks payable to Viable Software Alternatives. Orders outside the USA are welcome but please pay in US funds. Disk size: ( ) 5¬" DD ( ) 5¬" HD ( ) 3«" ( ) 3«" HD Name: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City, ST Zip: _______________________________________ Phone number: _______________________________________ (for questions) What kind of computer(s) do you have? ( )AT or 80286 ( )386 ( )486 Where did you get your copy of Poke-It Poker!? __________________ What kind of games would you like us to create? _______________________________________________________________ Any suggestions? ______________________________________________________________ Thanks!